About Us
Starting its business life in textile inks and chemistry sector in 1990, Natura had been working with firms like I.C.I, Zeneca, Basf, Dystar, Ciba Geigy, Eurodye CTC, SF Dyes and HCH operating in textile inks and chemistry industries, until year 2006 when Natura passed on to digital textile printing segment. At the beginning company founder Mr.Cenk Elkatip carried on these activities as an executive in the mentioned firms, and then as an agent of them during his partnership in Uniteks AŞ.
In 2006, Natura started its digital textile printing activities selling digital textile printing inks and afterwards as a contract digital print manufacturer, has been one of the pioneering firms in Turkey to print digitally on fabric.
Carrying on the digital textile printing adventure in MS Italy firm for 12 years, Natura has played an active role in every stage of development while the production of the machines started at10m/hour and progressed up to 70m/min.
As for the last 2 years, believing that the digital textile printing has achieved a certain saturation using Kyocera print heads, Natura has been in a companionship with the Swiss firm Mouvent, who has brought a brand new technology and paved the way for digital textile printing again.
In order to share its experiences accumulated in long years of work in textile wet treatments and textile digital printing, Natura continues to provide trainings in different platforms and share information on its web site. Besides this, giving a lot of weight to R&D, Natura makes innovation investments in different branches of the digital textile printing system.